For Interview:
Dress neat and proper and clean.
Simple hair do.
NO perfume or smelly anything.
Try not to perspire. :)
Have your Resume AND Letters of Recommendation or References (with contact information), at the ready. OR already in your Resume packet.
AND, have EXTRA copies of your Resume packet, ready.
Just in case.
Employers, expect this (letters of recommendation and job References), and to do background checks per your previous employment.
Speak clearly and honestly.
Interviewers can tell the difference between genuine answers and canned-generic answers.
Be yourself.
Don't be TOO overly 'aggressive' or 'desperate' sounding, but convey your high interest, in this job.
Don't, speak or answer a question, before the interviewer finishes her/his sentences or question.
No one likes, being interrupted while they are talking.
Make good eye contact. But not, like a hungry animal.
Speak positively about yourself, but not in an arrogant, manner.
Use proper manners, handshake and introduce yourself, write a Thank You to them, after the interview, and mail it in a timely manner etc.
Ask for the Interviewers business card.
*Remember: It is not only your Resume that 'sells' yourself. It is you, too.
If they like you.
Bring: a nice professional looking folder with you, with a note pad, to jot down notes, during the interview.
This shows, organization and interest.
I used to work, in HR.
GOOD luck,