Sounds like you and I work for the same company, and I am in the same situation... well... I was until a year ago. My manager hated me and made my life miserable in every way she could without firing me since firing is not in the culture at this organization. I was written up too - even for things I didn't do, if you can believe that. it makes it very hard for me to make a move in this organization because of course they will look at my personnel records...
So I got lucky though and they hired a new manager for my area and she is great. She is only a tiny bit colored by my past situation... but at the same time, since my manager is still here, I still have to interact with her and she is still awful, and still makes my life terrible whenever she gets an opportunity, and now she also tries to involve even more managers, which is irritating to everyone. I just try to avoid her. It's best for everyone. But I can't do that all the time, and I can't possibly be as crafty as she is at creating little traps for me to fall into.
I have gotten to the point that I don't care any more. I feel like if I lose this job, it was meant to be, and I will find other work. I just try to keep my head low and my mouth shut, and I do anything to avoid her.
So in short, time may change things - you may get another opportunity to apply for another role... or your boss may move to another position, or you may end up reporting to someone else. Make friends with other managers to create other job opportunities and other potential good references. You may find someone who can look at your experiences differently and give you some coachign on dealing with her or your situation. At my organization we have an ombudsman for that, and she is awesome. Be the best you can be, don't let her turn you into a sourpuss for everyone else. Just keep quiet around her and do what she asks, and go above and beyond for others whenever you get the chance. Hang in there, time changes things.