LMAO.... guys are weird. My guy made me watch clips of some old 70's show like a million times last night. He thought it was so awesome; I thought it was super cheesey and poorly acted ;) Same thing with fishing... my fiance will come back from fishing for an hour, and be able to talk about it for 4 hours. It's FISHING... mostly waiting for a fish to bite, how is that exciting?! Why would I want to hear about that for more than 5 minutes?! It should go like this: ME 'How was fishing?', HIM 'Good', ME 'Did you catch anything?' HIM 'Yep, 2 nice sized bass', ME 'good job honey'... DONE.
BUT, on the flip side, just about every time I come back from the grocery store, he has to hear the break down of my receipt, which coupons I used, what was on sale, and how much I saved, LOL! ;)