There are GREAT alternatives to the traditional, over-the-counter remedies that are often more harmful than they are helpful! I ALWAYS look for a homeopathic remedy when the symptoms are not life threatening!
For runny noses, esp those that are related to allergies, I use Allium Cepa. It can be found at the health food store and is quit inexpensive. I would also recommend a spray that has Xylotol. Xylotol keeps the membranes slippery and does not allow the "stuff" to stick to it and irritate the nose.
Since you have had her on antibiotics, you should get the good bacteria in the gut balanced again! Get a good probiotic, like Udo's infant probiotics. You must keep them refrigerated!
Take you child off ALL dairy!!!! It causes mucus. Also, if you have her on dairy, you may want to watch the video on my website about milk! www.PassionParent.com goto the blog and then"their food". It WILL make an impression on you I am sure!
Antibiotics are not always necessary to clear infections. For earaches, I use olive oil with garlic infused in it (I do my own so the antibiotic properties are still in there), I also have use a product called "Ear Drops" it has tea tree oil and grapeseed extract in it.
Always! when your child starts to feel sick with anything, get them on a week of probiotics. You can google any of this and get more information.
Here's to being a Passion Parent!
C. Hiebel
I just read the rest of the responses... Yeah Mimi! Please take her up on her offer to help! What a great woman!
PLEASE... part of the detoxifying from the synthetics are also the synthetics you are putting in her little body. Those drugs are so harmful and as one mother said, they used Claritin and it starts to become less effective. Homeopathy is completely non-toxic. My daughter got hold of a tube and eat the whole thing once. I never worried about it as it is completely safe (other than she could have symptoms of whatever she eat at that dosage). Antibiotics should be used when they REALLY need them!
I had a friend whose daughter has cystic fibrosis. That girl is now in her early thirties and only been on a handful of antibiotics!! she did it with homeopathy. Most of that girl's friends are dead because they became antibiotic resistant...then they died of the next bad infection. You want those antibiotics to work when they need them!
Best of luck! The internet is a great place to get some great info (and mis-info). You could google things like probiotics, homeopathy, natural remedies....
Feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance!