I really appreciate the range of topics on this site. It includes everybody from moms-to-be to grannies (that's me, at 63), and subjects from baby sleep and potty training, to dealing with sagging bodies and hemorrhoids. Women of means wondering about hiring a nanny rub shoulders with women whose families are about to lose their homes, and their various concerns and viewpoints are available for all to consider.
Nobody's required to spend time reading about a topic that doesnt' interest them, so I see no harm in posting virtually anything that has to do with being a woman, a householder, and a mother. I even welcome the occasional male voice on this site.
My ONLY wish is that posters would be more specific in their subject lines. How many times I have spent minutes I'd rather not waste opening many requests titled "What would you do?" or "HELP!" How about, "Help with (finding a stroller, potty training, understanding a symptom, removing a stain, etc.)?