I remember getting cramps early on and carried without a problem. Check with hour OB to be in the safe side.
They feel like the cramp you get right before you start leaking period blood. And its mild it goes away but it returns a few times during the day. Its not excruciating its very mild I just don't know if its normal to feel that way. Is it a miscarriage sign??
Thank you everything is fine with my child I heard its heart rate at 147 @Mamazita the doctor says its normal because of the enlarging uterus. Its going to be a little uncomfortable to us mommies. But if you feel excruciating pain come to the ER , everything else should be fine if bleeding isn't present. Also at 8weeks the baby starts shifting and moving yet he is still small the size of a gummy bear so it won't be kicking or I might not actually feel it .
I remember getting cramps early on and carried without a problem. Check with hour OB to be in the safe side.
Lots of women get cramping. There's a lot of stress and change going on inside that uterus, even in the early stages of pregnancy. And it's normal to be nervous about everything. Feel free to give your doctor a call - you don't have to wait for an appointment if you're concerned..
Every pregnancy is different.
Talk to your doctor about it.
You'll have them the whole way through. It's just your uterus stretching to accommodate the growing baby.
Rest and hydrate, should be fine, I assume u will be listening to the heartbeat at 12 weeks.
what your doctor said is right on and you were right to contact them. I will say mine gets worse when I have not been drinking enough - I aim for 80-100 oz per day. Often I fall shy but I usually get close enough. It was when I didn't know I was pregnant and wasn't paying any attention at all that I had the worst pains, and those were around 4-6 weeks. I have noticed I've had very few since then. If I remember right from my first pregnancy they can come and go throughout the entire thing. Good luck!
What does your doctor say?