So, this may be a bit TMI, but I don't give blow jobs. No interest, it grosses me out, I mean, he goes through his entire day in underwear that 'supports' but really just holds them close so they get sweaty, then expects me to put my mouth on that? Umm, no. It may sound mean, bitchy, whatever, but it is what it is. My husband gets so irritated because I also don't really have sex that often either, in my head sex leads to babies, and I have enough for now. So don't ever feel like you are alone in this struggle, in fact, consider yourself one of the nice ones!
About the resentment, you have two choices, either hold onto it and let it ruin your relationship, or just let it go. That is not saying forget it, just move on from it. Your husband needs to know, as I am sure that he does by now, how hurt it made you feel, and together you need to move past this. Just remember, its in the past, so no matter what you do you can't change it. One time I was having this super lull in my sex life and we made lists of all of our fantasies. FUN. Reading this it seems like what you are missing isn't so much the intimacy, its the romance. Gaining weight is a giant factor in a lot of women's insecurity (not saying you, just in general), and if your husband were to up the romance factor and make you feel just as beautiful as the day you met him, you would hop right back into that sack.
Good luck!