Info on Primrose Academy in Westchase or Keystone Suncoast Academy

Updated on December 21, 2005
D.S. asks from Tampa, FL
5 answers


We are relocating to Tampa from Dallas and I am desperately searching for a place to take my 10 month old son. Can anyone provide information on Primrose Academy of Westchase or Keystone Suncoast Academy??

Any information would be very helpful


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answers from Tampa on

Primrose is absolutely great! My 4 month old son will go there starting January. The place is spotless, very secure, staff is great. Each age group has its own room. When your child gets old enough to eat real food they feed them balanced meal. Activities are planned, there is an actual curriculum. I am sure you will love it



answers from Tampa on

I worled at Primrose and my daughter went there. We went to the on Cross Creek in Tampa. I loved it. I highly recommend it.



answers from Tampa on

I have been there and was on the waiting list forever.. when they called me, I had found other arrangements.

But, I liked the school very much!



answers from Tampa on

Hi. We relocated to Tampa about 3 months ago and my daughter goes to Primrose in Tampa Palms. I work near the Westchase location and I have several friends at work who have their kids there. We LOVE it. I'd be happy to talk to you about it anytime. I'm also a working Mom, so evenings are the best time to reach me. My phone number is ###-###-####.



answers from Tampa on

Hello D., I know several moms who recommend Westchase Primrose. Welcome to Tampa.

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