This sounds totally normal, just so you know. Waking up 2-3 times a night at that age is fairly common. All mine have done it at that age (I have four kids). They also are all still eating at night at that age. I sometimes have a hard time going through the night without eating...granted I am pregnant! hehe. But a baby has a tiny tummy and there is nothing wrong with giving a bottle to settle her and get her back to sleep. That's what I always do.
I know it's exhausting. I kid you not when I say that for over eight years now, I have not slept through the night for several days in a row. It gets exhausting. But what you're describing sounds SO NORMAL. Some babies are better sleepers than others.
My current baby (12 months) has just started sleeping through the night most of the time. It's AWESOME. If she wakes up, I'll still feed her. She'll usually drinks a lot and goes back to sleep...though she takes forever before I can lay her back down! So, I always hope she sleeps.
I wouldn't have her cry it out. I'm personally not a fan of that. I think it's emotionally traumatic for a baby to be upset and trying to communicate and not have someone there responding to them. I'm sure others disagree, but I personally feel very strongly about that and have never done that.
BUT, I will let my baby cry for a minute or two as I wait to see if she is going to settle back to sleep or wake up. If it's a really tired cry/fuss, sometimes she'll do it off and on for five minutes, and I won't go in. But I don't consider that crying it out. Just sometimes she wakes up and she settles right back to sleep. So, my suggestion is to give her a few minutes before going back in (unless she's SCREAMING, then go in, mine usually only fusses then goes back to sleep). Make sure you are giving her time to settle herself back to sleep. Once I realized that, mine started sleeping through the night better.
Also, make sure you are feeding her often enough during the day so that she shouldn't be hungry. That being said, I still feed mine when she wakes up. The last thing I want is my baby to be hungry at night!
Hope that helps some. It's not a medical issue. It's really normal, I promise. You'll meet moms with other babies that sleep GREAT. Don't compare your baby to that. Each child is different. My current baby seems like an angel baby because she is MY FIRST to sleep through the night at 11-12 months! It's perfect too because I'm prego and really need to get more sleep (and I have three others that still wake me up at night).
So, my diagnosis is - normal baby.
My suggestion is - wait a few minutes to see if she's really waking up or if she'll settle. then give her a bottle to feed her. get her to sleep and lay her back down and go back to bed.