Hi R.: First off, big hugs to you! It's always so hard to know what to do, esp when your child can't tell you exactly what's wrong. Maybe you can start ruling out some things? Maybe one day, go back half way thru the workout and peek in the window of the daycare and see how she is doing without her seeing? Is she happy? What's taking place? Are the other kids playing nice? (Does she play often with other little ones that might take her toys and such to know how to interact when that happens, etc?) Does she like the activities? Also, maybe talk to the caregiver (is it always the same one)? I feel my kids like consistency and since I'm a SAHM and can give them that when most of the time, the prefer the same caregiver when I can't be there. I've also read that separation anxiety can peak again around 18 months - so that might add to it. BTW, I do agree with you, I wouldn't sneak out of the room, either. Anyhow, best of luck to you and let us know how it goes!