My first question to back to you is, have ya'll ever talked about getting married or has that ever even come up? My opinion is that if your questioning really whether or not you should be with him you really need to take a look and see if he's meeting YOUR needs...not just physically, but emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc. Does that make sense. Don't get me wrong, the physical is important and definitely nice to have(especially when it's good), but you have to have more besides just that. Also, something I learned is that sometimes you have to let go of the "great" to get the very "best" God has for you. I'm not saying he's not the right one for you, but YOU need and deserve to be happy!!! If he asked you to marry him would that be a temporary or permanent fix to how your feeling? I'd at least figure out what things your not happy about and tell him about how your feeling(if you feel you can and want to give him an opportunity) - not that if he wasn't good in bed your wouldn't be there you don't think. But all the other stuff that is bothering you or that's behind everything. See what he does and how he responds to all of it and see how he feels about everything. Just remember sometimes you have to let go of something and if it comes back to you then it was meant to be. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't let him go, that's completely up to you, just remember that no matter what, YOU and he both deserve to be happy and when you do what's best for YOU it's ultimately best for everyone involved no matter if they realize it now or later on down the road. Just my opinion though, take what you want from my experience and leave the rest!!! Good luck with everything!!!