I didn't read the other posts so sorry of this is more of the same.
It sounds to me like your little guy is, um, normal.
My first son "required" the cuddling, etc. to get to sleep. My second would push me away so he could sleep on his own (imagine that!!)
You little guy sounds like my first - hated naps, had to be walked to sleep, etc. There is no way I could/would leave him there crying, and even though it was tiring, I look back on those times with such joy that I would not change a thing. I think there is a real bonding that takes place during times like that. Babies know what they need. Being left all alone to "cry it out" isn't in their list.
One thing that did help was a book called Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child (I think that's it. I'm not sure if it's the one you mentioned).
My first would wake up from his nap after 45 minutes. This book explained that there is a cycle of lighter sleep that occurs at about that time, and if you leave him alone he'll go back to sleep. And it worked! I was amazed. Prior to that I would run in at the first noise, even if it was just a mumble. After I read that I would let him be and he would go back to sleep and have a 2-3 hour nap!
I forget what age the switch to one nap. But they all do it.
Anyway do what your instincts tell you and you'll never go wrong (and you'll never regret it).