When my six year old tries to pull a fast one on me....''I wrote that book''...I roll my eyes and say,''Who are you trying to fool child...I was not born yesterday and found under a rock''.....Then and only then will he quirk the right side of his mouth up and kinda slouch down and walk off to his room for a time out, for lying to me...Or at least attempting.
I have tried to get them to understand their whole short lives that if they are just straight up with me...They are less likely to have to do time for the crime. It takes alot of integrity to own up to your mistakes the first time asked.....I think he is only human for testing the waters...But I am glad to see he Does learn from me ''Writing that book''
I am hoping this out look on things will teach them when they are teens that I am not out to run their lives, but rather mold and help guide them into adult hood....I had parents for a LONG time that tried to raise by controlling. So in a since ''I wrote that book'', for them...Because I see where that was a big FAIL on their part....And I think they see it too...We have actually discussed it.
This is a fun Question!!