I work part time(3 days a week) and I think it's the best of both worlds. I'm lucky in that I have a low stress job that really is 3 days a week. I love being able to get out of the house and be something besides a mom a few days a week, but I also love taking classes with my son, taking him to and from camp and being available on 2 weekdays. We have two babysitters that my son is very connected to and I'm glad he has more people in his life that love him and expose him to the world. I think it has helped him be more adaptable to not always be with me.
I think if you would be happier doing some work, you should do it. Your son will be better off for it(although if you start work soon, you'll be right in the midst of separation anxiety which is no fun). I think I'm a better mom because I get a break from my son and I feel like I appreciate our time together because I'm not with him every day. I may stop working soon after I have my second child and I'm really kind of scared to give up this good work/family balance I've got. I'm afraid I'll go crazy being a SAHM, not because I love work or don't love my son, but because I think moderation is key.
I hope you can work out a good compromise. When you work, some things will slide, but that's OK. You can always try it for 3 months and see what you think. I would give it more than a few weeks because you'll need some time to really evaluate the situation.