First of all, I am sorry for your loss.
I have 5 small children, and a huge extended family that seem to be getting older.. quickly.
We seem to have a couple funerals a year. When I go, they go. Actually the family loves to see the kids, it cuts the sadness for everyone. (Anytime you see one on TV, kids are always running around right?)
If your child goes to church or to restaurants with you, then your child should be fine.
Mine don't always act perfect, but they are kids, they aren't suppose to.
With a large family, my siblings and I grew up going to funerals, my mom still tells the story of me being 4-5 and asking my Grandma a bit too loudly "....who is in the box this time....she looks like the nice candy lady...I hope isn't her, she makes really good candy and cookies..."
My husband never attended a funeral, except for his grandmothers,when he was 22. So it was a change for him to attend so many after marrying me, but now he really regrets never getting to go with his parents when he was younger.
It is a great way to learn manners and respect for things, as a child. (He had no idea, what the proper rules were at the grave yard for instants...NEVER get out of your car until the body/coffin is in position under the tent.)
If we attend a wedding, funeral, or any ceremony, he insists on having our 5 children with us.
Now there are always some older aunts that comment about how they '..never took their children to things like this..' but their grandchildren are usually attending along with mine.
Of Course after stating all of this the main thing is to DO WHAT YOU FEEL IS BEST.
If you are the type of person that cannot take 1 person giving you "the look" then do not go, or find someone to watch your child. Because at least one person will, more than likely give you "the look"
ALSO..IF you know who is handling the funeral arrangements, they may have a babysitter already arranged for the younger ones. you may want to check.
Good luck, and remember NEVER be embarrassed to bring along your child. When you have Children, they are part of you.....you come as a package.
Good Luck ,and again I am so sorry for your loss.