Why can't your husband take her to school and then come to the hospital? Then pick her up from school, take her home, and return to the hospital. Sounds like your Dad will be at home to take care of her after school.
This just doesn't seem like it's worth stressing over. Let someone else take her to school and pick her up. Perhaps a classmate's parent. Most people love to be helpful and feel a part of an important event such as a birth.
I suggest that she should not miss the last days of school. The teacher plans transition activities. My granddaughter missed the transition time at pre-school and she still commented about missing her teacher a couple of years later. She didn't get to say good bye in the ritual way that helps.
Later: I went back and read some of your previous posts. I suggest that you're making your life way too complicated. Find a way to relax and go with the flow.
You were on Lexapro for anxiety and you can't take it while you're pregnant. I suggest that your anxiety is running your life. Since you can't take meds, I strongly urge you to get started with weekly counseling. A counselor can help you put your worries in prospective and help you make more reasonable decisions in a timely manner. It really is too early to be micro managing your delivery in May/June.
You said you stopped Lexapro cold turkey. some of the intensity of your current anxiety could be fueled by stopping it without weaning yourself off of it. I suggest that you talk with a medical doctor experienced in the use of medications for anxiety about ways to minimize the damage.
Every time you start to feel anxious, take deep diaphragmatic breaths and remind yourself this doesn't have to be solved now. Perhaps keep a list of your worries so that you can discuss them with your counselor/therapist. Perhaps keep a journal. I've found that just writing down my worries helps me to let go of them.
Remind yourself that life will go on, no matter what happens. This too shall pass. That none of this is an emergency. Deal with one thing at a time. Talk with yourself to calm yourself down and remind yourself that brain chemicals/hormones are causing much of your anxiety and you can control what you do with those feelings.