My wife didn't have any c-sections. My daughters have had several. My son is a doctor of pharmacy. I said c-sections are much more common today than they were when i was first married and in large part it was because the doctors and hospitals were greedy and the doctors would rather schedule a c-section than have to come in for a delivery when the baby felt like coming. Too many unschuduled deliveries have cost the doctors their favorite T-times or have interrupted a good night's sleep.
My son, the doctor, said I was wrong. Ok, he has the education. But, my wife never had a c-section. I have daughters or DIL that had c-sections and some of those were unnecessary in my opinion. I learned that some of the doctors that my kids went to won't deliver a baby unless its by c-section.
Why do they (docors and hospitals) prefer c-sections? Money ! ! ! A natural delivery gets a mom in and out of the hospital in two days. A c-section gets a mom in and out of a hospital in 7 to 10 days. A c-section yields several visits by the doctor, sometimes two to 4 times a day. (And he bills for a visit, even if it was for only a couple of minutes long.) A natural birth gets them two visits, maybe three. A natural birth interrupts his life. A c-section is scheduled and usually M-F, no weekends. The hospital bills for a nurses visit. Many more times for a c-section than for a natural birth.
Women's bodies have NOT changed that much over the last 3 decades. But c-sections are up 46%. (From a study done by the british) Money is the reason. A c-section is much more invasive and subjects the mom to a lot more germs. But the doctors are not worried about germs as much as they are they are about their bank accounts.
A c-section is NOT necessary in all cases. Medical people even have a name for it, VBAC. (Vaginal Birth After C-section)
ETA: For those that worry about how much sleep a doctor gets, do research on how many hours interns work and they do it day after day and week after week. They get paid very poorly and work some shifts that run 20 or more (yes! More) hours per day. I've read where some are assigned 36 hour shifts. How effective and alert do you think they are if they see you after they have been on duty for 30 hours with no sleep?
Good luck to you and yours.