Get some parenting books to learn how to effectively discipline your child. Be consistent. Try time outs. Don't give in. Take his favorite toy away for 5 minutes.
You aren't losing your sweet boy! I promise you. He's still right there and you need to tell him everyday, a hundred times a day that he's your little sweet boy. Tell him you love him. Teach him kindness by demonstrating all.
Play with him. Get silly with him. Remember, he's only 4!
Dying? I promise you he does not know what that word means. He learned that word somewhere and he is echoing it. Has there been a death in the family? Where DID he learn that word. We never use that word, or rarely. We do a little now that my son is older - like with a bug. But they still do not understand death's permanence.
Do boys hit, kick and pull hair? Yes. I have two of them. When my sons hit each other, they apologize immediately and then face the music: A time out. Not negotiable.
Hug and cuddle both your kids - at the same time.
Anyway, NEVER, never give up. Be strong for your son. Also, reach out for help and support.