You've gotten some great advice here. I agree that West Suburban Midwives are probably your best option, aside from home birth. I used them for my 2nd birth, and they were wonderful. Back then, Hillary was still with them (before she did her own homebirth practice), so she was one of my midwives. She's fantastic! The downside to using West Suburban Hospital is that they only have (or did at the time, at least) 2 ABC rooms, staffed with nurses who are knowledgeable about natural birth. Well, I went into labor on a full moon, so the whole floor was packed. I had to use a regular L&D room, with a nurse who knew NOTHING about natural birth. She rolled her eyes at me the whole time I was doing my hypnobirthing thing, and was just a thorn in my side. It was really distracting and upsetting, especially because the nurse fought me on almost every procedure that had been agreed upon ahead of time (like not using rough towels on the baby's skin, giving me the baby immediately and letting me hold him during the APGAR testing, etc.). My midwife told me afterward that mine was the very first natural birth that nurse had ever seen, and that she was shocked at everything that happened. Anyway, my midwife was great, but I could tell that her hands were tied in certain situations, due to the contract they had with the hospital and the doctors they were working under. Also, I was appalled that the hospital had NO lactation consultants. The nurses there were NOT knowledgeable about breastfeeding, and were very pushy with the formula. They actually wanted me to sign a statement acknowledging that cosleeping was dangerous and that I wouldn't do it. I crossed out many sections and added my own addendums before I signed that thing! :)
Sorry for the novel here. My point is that going with a midwife is a great decision, but your happiness will largely depend on the hospital, and ABMC is not favored by women seeking a natural birth. I had my first baby there, and I would never return for another birth. I'm also a doula, and have heard many horror stories from other women about births there. From what I've heard, the tubs there are for show. It's something they love to brag about and point out on tours, but they don't actually let many women use them. They have a rule that if you have an IV, you can't use the tub, and as I'm sure you know, hospital protocol is that everyone gets an IV. Of course, you can fight that, and you should also ask your midwife is this is their MO. Maybe they've changed in the last couple of years.
If your insurance covers homebirth, you're low-risk, and you can find a CNM who's available to work with you, that would probably be your best option. There's a homebirth group in chicago on I'd definitely go to a few of their meetings. Lots of informed, helpful people there! I wish you the best of luck! I'd love to hear how it turned out! :)