I would urge you to not give birth to your first child this way -- wait for subsequent births, when youand your doctor/practitioner know your body better. Incidence of preeclampsia is also higher (high BP leading to seizure if nottreated - can also happen immediately following birth).
Also remember ... You can have a natural birth (no mess, etc.) in a hospital. And guess what ... They clean upafter it AND cater to your every need for aday or two after. :-)
Philosophically ... As an older (40s) mom with now 3 school age kids ... I'm concerned that women are using childbirth as yet another arena on which to compete or guilt themselves. In days of old women gave birth in the fields, cutting the cord with a reed. Is that next year's trend?
Give yourselves the comfort and care of a clean 21st century hospital. You can have anyone you want there, labor nurses are as good as doulas in coaching, you can even do water birth in some hospitals, and just refuse drugs on your own. Furthermore, you will never regret birthing 20 steps from a NICU (may you never need one) for the baby. Most births only require a catcher's mitt, I agree (women ARE wondrous and powerful creatures!), but moments in a crisis can cost brain damage (special education for your child), infection or death.
Prudence. With the right practitioner you can still have a she-Ra birth in a hospital.