I have not used that particular Hylands product. They are homeopathic - so they won't work the same for absolutely everyone. The teething tabs were God-sent with dd, but don't seem to help ds at all.
You said that the bedtime routine has stayed the same. That's good. Has anything changed during the day? Have you started outwardly preparing for your coming baby? Have you traveled? Intro'd a new food? Did she get any vaccinations? Not that she'd be feeling it now, but that may have gotten her off course to begin with...
My dd had/has some of the same 'complaints' as yours - hungry, thirsty, head/belly/leg aches, and up to potty yet one more time. We 'close the kitchen' at 7:30p, she goes to bed at 8-8:15p with a water bottle on her night table. I don't limit my dd's water intake, even at night. My dh and I both wake up thirsty most nights, so it may just be in the genes...At any rate, she's been complaining of aches/pains for a while now. It turns out the head/belly ones were food allergy related. We've taken all corn, dyes and cow dairy out of her diet. As a result, she eliminates more often, helping prevent any tummy pain that results from not 'going' often enough.
The leg aches seem to be 'growing pains'. It seems to help her if I rub on her legs/feet - so I do that while we say her nighttime prayers. My pedi said that 3.5yrs is when most kids start feeling 'growing pains' in their legs, feet, arms and back.
K. H, mama to
Catherine, 4yrs
Samuel, 14mos