Check out the website of Dr. Mercola. Some people think he's a quack, but he's got TONS of info on cholesterol and is years and years ahead of the conventional medical community when it comes to cholestorol and triglycerides.
My mom is a nurse but has been into "alternative" medicine for years, which my dad has rolled his eyes at for decades. His cholesterol was elevated and instead of listening to my mom, he went on a statin drug. Bad news - it definitely caused some side effects that scared him enough to wake up and look into this further. Now he's a natural health zealot, talking about inflammation, insulin resistance, etc. like a pro.
The cholesterol isn't a critical issue this very second. If the blood work from his physical confirms the low HDL, exercise and dietary changes and simple supplements like fish oil or krill oil and vitamin D can get that up to the optimal range over time.
There's actually no proof that high cholesterol causes heart disease (shocking, right?) and cholesterol is produced in response to inflammation, so he needs to understand what is causing the inflammatory response in his body. The triglycerides are a sign that his body isn't processing sugars effectively, so he needs to look at things like all carbohydrates (including grains and fruit), alcohol, etc. If there is a genetic component, he may benefit from a very restrictive diet (one that is low in carbs but high in protein and good fats).
I have found that the "alternative" or complementary field of medicine is way, way, way ahead of conventional medicine in understanding how diet affects the body. If his physical confirms these numbers, he should consider seeking out a naturopath (many chiropractors are naturopaths) to have someone help guide him through dietary changes, supplements, and changes to his exercise regimen (e.g. adding in high-intensity interval training) and measure his progress.
Please don't panic or immediately jump to medication. There are other ways for him to heal his body and get on the path to optimal health other than taking dangerous and over-prescribed drugs.