Hi J.! How exciting to have your second one arriving soon!
Frozen meals --- that is my first advice. Cook up some tasty nutricious meals and freeze them now (Lasagna, chicken pot pies, quiche etc. Even some breads, like banana bread, pumpkin bread -they make a great snack too!). When my second one came (22 months after the first), it was the best thing to have some meals that were already made up. I was eating well & didn't have to put much effort into cooking. Some of my friends even brought me meals too! (My husband can only make macaroni & cheese.) My second advice is finding out in your area of mom groups, the HUB in Dover has some great support groups for moms, there is a moms group called MOPS in many different areas, or hospital groups, there was a wonderful mom's group with Frisbie Hospital if you live in the Rochester area. I didn't deliver at Frisbie, but I joined that group...6 years later, I am still friends will many of the moms I met in those early years. They really saved me when I was overwhelmed with having a new baby & a second one. Finding a group that meets once a week or so is great. It gets you out of the house with your kids & gets you talking with other moms, in person (not just an on-line support group - you also need to see people & interact). And your kids may find some little friends to play with! I had just moved (from out of state) to the area 3 months before I became pregant with my first one, so not only didn't I know anyone in the area, I certainly didn't know of any other moms with kids..but it is amazing the bond that new mom's have with other new mom's. New mom's are so open to helping out other new mom's!!
I don't think it is uncommon for husbands to be away with work. At least for me it was not an uncommon situation. With both kids, he didn't take any time off from work and even went to work on the day the babies were born. As for family..well, in 6 years, I haven't had a family member watch my children or help me out, they too are far away. New friends, they are what has kept me together and there are so many women having babies, there is so much support!! Other ideas, library programs, toddler playgroups...anything to get you out with your kids and meet other moms, that will give you the support you will need!! And most of these groups are free. Good luck! Your husband is so lucky to have a fiance who cares so much about his children!! You are a great person & mom.