Hi C. :)
I have four children & in each case, my husband & I committed to no sleeping with us. It is just too hard. I stay at home now, but when the 3 oldest were young, I wasn't able to & sleep was more essential then. With that, even with my youngest, it wasn't any different. If they were sick or had nightmares, we soothed them in their own beds. At times, when they would come in, we always walked them back to their bed affirming they were big enough to be in their own bed. Comforting them yes, but not sleeping with them. A few times, I laid down with them in their bed to pray or soothe them back to sleep, but they knew staying in their own big girl/big boy bed was essential & expected. My sisters have had issues with this, & I have recommended this same advice, you have to be firm. Set the rule as "no" in mom & dad's bed - but they can come in if something is wrong - just, they won't be staying. It works & they don't feel neglected or unloved. Good luck & God Bless!