Hi S.,
My mother is gay. Growing up I never saw her with a man only with a women. It was not explained to me at all. I really just figured it out myself.
Other kids would say stuff but I really didnt react because I didn't know how or what they were talking about.
As I got older It got easier for some strange reason. I guess because I picked my friends well I am not sure.
However as a child I wish someone had told me. I mean really sit me down and tell me. I know my mother was trying the best she could to protect me but in someways it helped none. I think, no I know I would have handled alot of things in life, had my mother told me herself what it was all about.
I grew up thinking about alot of stuff but not saying anything, so really I was left to fend for myself. I was scared, would I be gay, is there something wrong with my mother or me? Am I straight yes I am is that normal. Will mom go to hell.
So many more questions. I could not even begin to tell you all the issue I had. I fanilly dealt with my issues at age 21, with the help of my husband. I am 34 now and I strongly support sharing things with your kids. I say take baby steps dont tell them one day and then bring your mate in the next. Tell then the good the bad the wonderful. Help them with any issues they have while still being true to yourself because there is nothing wrong with you, you are still mommy and the one they love unconditional.
KIds understand or can understand more if we allow them too. Let the truth come from you tell them about you and your soul and life.
It will all work out. This is tough no matter what but in the open with your family as one life will only be illed with beauty, just like any other family.
Good Luck and God Bless,
ps I have 23 monthe old twin girls! Lots in common. Email anytime if you need to talk. I truly understand