Don't feel bad. I am the same way. As babies I would play with my girls the whole day. Now it's rare for me to get down on the floor and play with them. I chalk it up to a few things. One being that as babies I was teaching them new things. Every little toy, funny face, and song was a new experience and I could see their little eyes light up with excitement and joy. Not so much the case anymore.
Another, they have a different imagination than I do. I can't pretend that I am a princess who just fell off a cliff and lost her prince and had to rescue the puppy from the burning castle, then fell asleep for three days and had to wait for her prince to find his way out of the deep dark woods so he could kiss me and wake me up. I just can't do it! I would rather color, or glue things together, maybe bake cookies or do the dishes☺.
Which brings me to my next reason. House work seems to pile up now that they are older. What with school activities, homework, getting them ready in the morning, getting them to bed at night, making sure they are well fed. Doing all these extra things in addition to housework kind of takes up a lot of time.
My advice, let daddy "throw" them around for a bit (I don't know why they like this so much) and you can take quiet them a book or ask them to watch a movie with you. You won't exactly be "interacting" with them like when they were younger but you will be spending time with them. It's okay thay you don't want to be a pirate scouring the seas for treasure only to find that you have turned into a construction worker who has to get their truck out of the mud before the building falls down.
I think it's really common for moms because we are too busy worrying about all the little things that make it possible for our little ones to play priates and princesses.
Take care and happy movie watching!
♥ M. ♥