I was told that they need 20 ounces of formula a day until they're a year old. Are you offering a sippy cup with meals?
At this age, mine would have a bottle in the morning when they woke up (just before breakfast, like your schedule here), a snack after the morning nap (graham crackers and a sippy cup of formula), a sippy cup with lunch, a bottle after the afternoon nap (at 3:00, just like your schedule), a sippy cup with dinner, then a bottle at bed time. If each bottle is 6 ounces, you should get pretty close to the 20 ounce mark. My daughter never ate what they said she "should" eat, but she's also always been at the 10th percentile on the growth chart. I figured if she drank 16-18 ounces instead of 20-24 ounces, that was about right. And she's always stayed on the curve for physical development, which is a good indicator that she's getting what she needs. My son has always been at the 75th percentile, and he would have the 20 ounces easily.