Breastfeed as long as you and your child like. You're doing a great job, and I can promise you that you won't regret this time. I nursed until my son turned three, and I worked full time, out of the house. My sister nursed her son until he was two. My cousin figured when the kids were old enough to climb in her lap and unbutton her shirt, then it was time to wean, LOL. I was fortunate to have a lot of extended nursers in my life. We all are glad we did. No regrets at all.
The benefits of nursing aren't just the nutritional. So much of the positive effects of breastfeeding is the emotional bond. That's not something to worry about, it's something to cherish and enjoy and be glad for. Don't be in a rush to wean. I've talked with mothers who wish they had breastfed, or wish they had breastfed longer. I've never met a mother who wished she hadn't done it so long.
In our country, the average time a mother spends breastfeeding is three months. Do you know what the global average is? Three years.
One of the former Surgeon Generals (C. Everett Koop) has stated that it is the lucky baby that gets breastfed to 2 years of age.
So continue if breastfeeding is right for you and your child. Nuturing and comforting is not a bad thing. Your child will only benefit from what you are doing.
And congratulations! You're doing a terrific job!
By the way, a woman once handed me this when I was nursing my son at a local bowling alley. I've cherished it ever since. I thought you might appreciate it as well:
Thank you for nursing your baby in public.
You are not only nourishing your child,
but the hearts and minds of everyone here.
When nursing in America is more
common and understood, the credit will go
to women like you. I thank you on behalf
of my grandmother who had never
heard of breastfeeding. I thank you on behalf of
my mother, who hadn't a single soul to support her
nurturing instinct. I thank you on behalf of my
daughters and granddaughters, may
they never think twice when their children
thirst. May they never search for a "secluded
corner," a dressing room, or a restroom. I thank you on
behalf of every woman who ever was
or ever will be. Have a beautiful day.
copyright 1999, Lisa Russell
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