I had a miscarriage and D&C with my first pregnancy at 11 weeks after having told everyone I was pregnant. It was difficult to then tell everyone I wasn't any longer. With my subsequent pregnancies I told people I would open up to and turn to for support if I had another miscarriage about the pregnancy after about a week and thankfully I had two healthy children...everyone else I waited until I had an ultrasound at about 9 weeks and just prayed and trusted in God that all would be well.
After my two pregnancies with my two children I had found out I was pregnant and then a few days later wasn't any longer but hadn't told anyone which was actually almost more difficult not having anyone but my husband to talk to about it. So when I became pregnant with my current baby (I'm 25 weeks along), I told my family right away so that I'd have the support I'd need if the pregnancy didn't go to term...and again, I'm blessed with another healthy baby so far...all looks well!
So I suppose what it comes down to is who you want to celebrate the news with, who you'd appreciate turning to if need be. But it is all up to you as everyone is different and reacts in their own unique way. I wish you all the best and am sorry for your loss. I pray you are blessed with another healthy baby in your future!