Hi S.,
I'm 45 and have a 16 month old girl and 1 year old triplets. I was not ready to be a Mom in my 20's or early 30's. I'm on my 3rd and last marraige and went thru many years of fertility treatments. Never thought I would have to do that. Now in my 40's..I've done all the traveling and having fun that young peole do and I was so ready to have a child. I'm not selfish or sad because I have pretty much done it all and now I can concentrate on my children and what they need. I don't need to go out at night and party, but it's nice to go out once in a while. We do have someone who helps us out in the day so that we can go out and have lunch, do errands, and have a few hours to ourselves. We are so happy to be where we are. Wish we would have done it earlier, but it is good now.
Good luck