Hi C..
Mine four all talked at diffent times. I thought something was wrong with my third, because she seemed to have almost nothing to say until almost 2! But she's in 1st grade and doing remarkably well.
I dreaded the well baby check ups because there was always SOMETHING that wasn't "status quo" for each of my daughters.
I don't know why doctors feel the need to let us know all of the "norms" because all babies develop so differently. Like most of the moms here have said, some walk early and talk late. Some talk early and walk late. Some never crawl. Some don't talk until 18 months then all of a sudden you can't shut them up!
When you think about it, there are a lot of norms we as adults don't fit into either. There are short people, tall people, people who like to read, people who don't, people who like to talk A LOT, people who are more quiet, over achievers, under achievers, people that are fitness nuts, people who are happy to just take a daily walk, people who like crowds, people who are more solitary...Much of what doctors use to judge "normal" can be chaulked up to a baby's personality.
Your little one is most likely taking it all in and doesn't feel the need to talk yet. I do agree with the poster who recommended sign language. I taught it to all four of mine. It really cuts down on the "pointing and grunting" factor! They all knew "momma", "hungry", and "thirsty". Some I taught more, some I taught less depending on their needs.