My daughter had a wart on her foot, we used a wart remover and then would file it down every day. It eventually went away but we had to be quite harsh to it. We tried the first 6 weeks but i wasnt harsh enough on the wart and didnt file like I was supposed to because I didnt want to hurt my daughter. We went back to the doctor and he told us that we hadnt done anything with the wart and it was still very protected by it's own capsule. You really have to get to the bottom of the wart. So we tried it again and got a new foot file and just filed away. It can hurt them a little and it's terrible but the wart disappeared very soon after that. You really have to get down to the core of the wart. Warts are viruses and you will probably battle with them until their bodies build up an immunity to them and that can take a very long time. Good luck.
*Just remembered, my doctor said the more you irritate the wart, the faster the body will react. It gets the immune system going and help clear up the wart faster, but it still can take some time.