We just did this about four weeks ago. We tried many things, but what worked was we simply took it away from her during the day, except for nap, at about 14 months. We began reading this book, "Big Enough for a Bed", its an Elmo book. She began getting intereted in a 'big kids bed'. She finally asked for one, and I told her she can have one, but big kids don't use binkies. We talked all day about it, and that night we switched her bed. I read many books to her telling her she had to lay down for me to read them. I had to pat her back for about 45 minutes or so, but she really did well. She woke up about four times the first night, and twice the second. It doesn't even phase her now. She saw a binkie looked like her old and she wasn't even tempted. She just said that binkies are for babies. All in all, I would suggest phase it out to just times Ava sleeps then TRY to eliminate it during nap (that doesn't work for all kids), then start talking about sleeping without it. We wrapped ours up for 'Santa to take to a baby'. Anyway, good luck! Its hard, but really, don't rush it. I wanted to take it away at six months, but realized sometimes, its really not hurting anything. Just keep her busy with new things. If you have any questions I would love to help!