Hi there! I have an almost 3.5 yo who still uses here binky. We've tried THREE times to get rid of it. We tried giving the Paci's to "Babies of the world", the "Paci Fairy" and all. The last time, I gave in after 5 nights of 3 hrs of screaming at bedtime and then another 2 hrs when she awoke to go potty. So much for the 3 night rule!
So, meanwhile for the last 1 yr +, we've been reading "Bye BYe BInky"; and "The Binky BABA Fairy" books. She's starting pre-school so we are telling her binkies are for babies and she's a big girl now - no binkies allowed in preschool. She has only had the binky for sleeping. Recently, we've had to throw some of her binkies away as they had holes in them. She had chewed holes in the nipples. So, we are down to 2 left. I took those 2 and poked holes in them. I am hoping that she will eventually say "these dont work so well" and throw them all out. We've also been talking about getting a "cinderella" balloon and sending the binkies to the Paci Fairy/Babies of the World..
Some of her friends suck their thumb now since they gave up their binky's too early. I would much rather her use a binky than suck the thumb.
It might be easier when they are younger to get rid of the paci, if you can handle the crying, before they get too attached. But, at 14 mos they still need to soothe themselves; and might end up sucking their thumb