Being unhappy and feeling trapped in your own life is a horrible feeling.
It's hard to get the whole picture as an outsider because there are so many other things I don't know about you. Something you wrote struck me though. You said you always felt he was your soul mate...only love...etc. I don't believe people 'fall out of love', but I do believe they either 'grow apart' or 'hurt' each other with their actions.
These feelings seemed to change very quickly for you. What in your life changed? Did you see another couple and start to compare him? Did your husband prevent you from doing something or changing something in your life? Is your husband supportive of your dreams, aspirations?
I think sometimes we become angry at our partner if they prevent us from doing something in our life. We may have a feeling of 'going nowhere'...or not going in the direction you had expected your life to go. When we feel this we can blame our partner or feel like they are responsible for the 'void' in our life. Especially when we are so close to them (as you said 'soul mate')
I'm not a psychologist, but I've been married for 15 years and been through lows and highs. Life's a journey....sometimes it's rocky...sometimes the weather gets bad...sometimes you want to just 'stop walking' (sort of speak) and head home. Just like when you take a walk with someone...say around the neighborhood...when you get to a possible turn (a street corner) you kind of both say.."left? right? straight?"...and then continue 'together'. If you didn't communicate you and your walking partner might end up on different sides of the neighborhood. I think marriage can be like that if we don't communicate where we want to go. Whats the point in taking a 'walk' with someone, if your both on different paths, right? Thats why people think of divorce. Whats the point in being on this 'walk' of marriage....if your both on different paths......(get my analogy?)
The big mistake I think people make though is to stop walking all together....and not even try to 'find' their partner so that they're both on the same path again.
Since your husband doesn't seem to even know theres a problem, I'd say you're just gaining distance between the two of you. The farther you get (emotionally and physically) the more easily you can fill your thoughts of the other person with negatives. The more you concentrate on the things you don't like about the other person...the more you see..and it becomes a horrible cycle.
I think you need to sit down and talk with your husband. Don't tell him you want to leave him. Tell him you don't feel close anymore.
As far as the 'romantic' feelings......of course you haven't had any...it seems you have both become strangers to each other. I suspect that he is not paying attention to the fact that you're drifting apart either if he has no clue that somethings wrong.
Not to 'scare' you away by bringing God into the mix.......but sometimes consulting someone from your church (or a church) can help. It's all about your 'perspective'..(the way you see and look at things) I'm not super 'religious'..but I am a very spiritual person...meaning...I believe God has a plan for us and that if we get to caught up in our own expectations we get lost. I also believe that thinking about the things you loved in your husband can help. Why did you fall in love with him in the first place? Look at old pictures...'remember'...think back...what was there thats not there now. And pray....it's amazing the answers you can get when you pray...to whoever you believe in...
I think though...the most important thing to do is open a line of communication with your husband........who knows..you may get the chance to fall in love with him all over again! You'll never know though...if you just walk away.