Though I have a girl and you have a boy and I know they train different, but this is what I did when my daughter was 2, I took a long weekend and stayed at home with her. I had her wear her panties all day at the house. Of course she would go potty in them, but she didn't like it at all. she would ask for a diaper (which I hide, so she couldn't find them) and I would tell her, NO there all gone, you are a big girl now, you have to go in the big girl potty. Well, a few dozen panties later, she finally got the point. Over the next several weeks, she would have a couple of accidents, but nothing we made a big deal over. Our children are smarter than we give them credit for. After all, lets face it, why would you want to give up someone pretty much doing all the work for you, ie: changing diaper and not having to worry about the responsibility. It's frustrating, I know, but if you don't do it now, it will be harder, esp when pre-school rolls around!