My daughter is three and we lost my grandfather when my oldest daughter was three, also. Although she didn't grasp the magnitude of heaven, she certainly understood it was a place. I would tell him that Grandpa is very sick because his body is almost broken. Explain that when our bodies break, sometimes they can;t be fixed and we die. When we die, we are able to go live in the most wonderful place with God and Jesus. When we get to heaven where they live, our bodies are all better and we are so happy, dancing and singing. It is so great in heaven that when we get there, we never want to leave and one day everyone will get to go there when we are done living her on the earth. Then tell him that since grandpa is very sick, we need to spend as much time with him as possible, so we can see him because once he's ready to go to heaven, we won't be able to see him here anymore. Explain that every visit is a gift from God to spend a little more time with him. Encourage your grandfather, if he's able, to read a particular favorite story to him each time. These stories will help his touch and voice create long lasting memories in your sons heart. God Bless your family as you approach this difficult time.