How Can I Help My Baby Crawl?

Updated on January 27, 2007
K.M. asks from Canton, GA
4 answers

I need help-or reassurance!- on an issue. My almost-ten-month-old baby boy is showing no interest in crawling or even pulling up on anything. He will fall over on his stomach and lay there because he can't get his knees under him to get into position. For this reason, he also is still not able to move into a sitting-up position by himself, and so I have to rescue him- a lot! He does, however, turn himself in a 360 degree circle, and then roll to where he wants to go. :) He also pushes up on his arms, so the front part is mastered- it is just getting his bottom up! I am worried b/c my daughter was sitting up at 5 months, pulling up and cruising at 6 months, and crawling at 7. I know I shouldn't compare them, but it is hard not to, since that is the only experience I've had with development of kids. I make sure that I give him lots of time on the floor, so it's not like he doesn't have a chance! Any advice on how to encourage him to crawl, or even how to relax?

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answers from Atlanta on

Dear K.,

I am the mother of three children all of which developed at differnt times. My advice to you is to just relax about it when he is ready to crawl he will. I know that it is hard to do that we went through the same issue with our youngest who is now 5. She "developed late" according to all the books you read and all the mothers you listen to that have their kids crawling, walking, talking before your own. My daughter did not walk until she was 14 months old she also did not stop breast feeding until she was 14 months old. I am not kidding the day she started to walk was the day she gave up the breast. Trust me breast feeding that long was never my idea I tried to stop at about 6 months and she had no intentions of doing so. When kids are ready they will crawl, sit up, walk and talk all on their own. I know that there is a lot of pressure out there but you have to know that there really is no set of rules out there and just because your child is not crawling while others are does not mean there is anything to be concerned about. Just keep telling yourself that he will do it when he is ready and it is okay not to be like everyone else. I hope this helps in some little way.



answers from Atlanta on

Don't over concern yourself first, all children progress at their own pace as long as his Ped. says he is progressing then don't over worry! Girls advance quicker I know this first hand I have 6 children 4 boys and 2 girls they all developed at their own pace. But if you have concern ask his Ped. to see what he has to say about his developmental progress! It seems as if your doing what your suppose to so let him do his thing at his pace! My second son NEVER crawled he eventually was able to comando crawl but his belly never came off of the floor and I had him counting to 20 and saying his ABC's before his 2nd birthday whereas my 3rd child (girl) didn't speak till she was 2 so breath and relax he will be fine and you will too!



answers from Atlanta on

Hi K. - I have heard that crawling is the only "optional" milestone. That some babies don't crawl, just go straight to walking. I would think as long as he has tummy time and is developing upper body to pull himself up he should be fine. If it does worry you though I would ask your pediatrician. He may have some "exercises" for you two to do.

Best of luck wonderful mommy!



answers from Atlanta on

Hi K.,

It sounds like you have your hands full with 2 young children!

I just wanted to add to what the others have said. My 9 yr old daughter never crawled - she just rolled everywhere. She didn't walk until she was 14 months old. We had fun watching her roll! She is fine now - likes to run and swim - so this had no effect on any future development.

I'm sure it's hard not to compare (I only have one), and I know it's hard not to worry (I'm a pro at that!), but just relax and enjoy them while they are young!

Best wishes,

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