This is something that most women go through. We are usually social animals and need other people. Especially other women. When my husband and I got married he got our first phone bill and was shocked. Then he got the second one and was flabbergasted and a little angry. They were in the hundreds.
I had moved to his town when we got married and didn't know anyone so I was spending hours on the phone each day with my friends where I'd lived just weeks ago.
Some time later we'd gone to marriage counseling and the therapist flat out told my husband that women needed female friends. Did he really want to sit for hours each week hearing about the cute shoes I saw when I was out buying groceries or what some person had on that should be on "People Of Walmart" or about my girl issues?
Of course my husband said no. So the therapist told my husband he really needed to consider a long distance plan that had really cheap minutes so that I would have people to talk to that wasn't him.
He did it and life was great. I had all my friends to chat with about the day to day stuff and he and I got to sit and talk about stuff that was for him and me to talk about.
Many older people or homebound people get this way. It's horrible to see them lose their social skills but it's part of that seclusion.
You need to find playgroups, ladies groups that do stuff you're interested in (For me I do a quilting group but I don't quilt, I sew, cut out stuff, do hand sewing, etc...), I go to meetings for social community organizations such as Habitat for Humanity (I served on several committees and then on the board), Big Brothers/Big Sisters, did Cub Scouts with a few boys that were disabled and needed more one on one time with their leader, I also joined a reading group. We don't read stuffy stuff but more Hunger Games, Harry Potter,, etc...
You need to find groups of adults that you have anything at all in common with then leave hubby at home with the family and you go. You have a life outside your family definition. It's your life. You can choose to be an excellent mom and do your part but you did not sacrifice yourself to be those roles. Without input, stimulation, education, learning, teaching, and other things just for you then you will decline and become a shadow of the person your family loves and deserves.
I often tell people who stop their lives when they get married that their husband fell in love with "that" woman, the one that was saucy and cute and intelligent and charming and funny and busy all the time. That's who they want you to be along with the person you've grown into. So don't suddenly wake up one day and realize you're a nobody inside except someone's mom, someone's wife, someone's doormat, be you and enjoy it.