Duct tape (someone mentioned below) sounds weird, but they even did it on Mythbusters. You can find it on their website.
My daughter has a very deep plantar wart on the bottom of her foot. I had it frozen, and am treating it with compound W, covering with a bandaid. I'm seeing only little improvement. I've heard of clear finger nail polish, but do I still cover with a bandaid? Tea Tree Oil did nothing to penetrate the wart. Do you have any other suggestions that have worked for you? Thanks in advance!
Duct tape (someone mentioned below) sounds weird, but they even did it on Mythbusters. You can find it on their website.
Potatoes are supposed to be good for helping dissolve warts.
Try cutting a slice of potato and attaching it to her wart.
If you slice it thin enough it should not bother her to walk with it there or you could try to do it only at bedtime. It may take several applications.
Well, not exactly a home remedy, but my podiatrist helped me get rid of two plantar wards. He prescribed an ointment with salicylic acid (had to be custom-blended at a pharmacy). Every night I would put some into the warts and then cover them with duct tape. It took several weeks, but the acid killed the skin around the ward. The dead skin was finally peeled off by my podiatrist, and the wart and roots all came out with it. If you're interested, the podiatrist was Cameron McKay. I feel your daughter's pain....Good Luck!!
When I was in Jr High, I had a wart on my baby toe. My mom took me to the Dr several times to have it frozen off, but nothing worked. Someone recommended duct tape. It smothers it and kills it over time. I wore duct tape around my baby toe for a few weeks and the wart went away and never returned. I only changed it about once a week because air is not supposed to get to it. I wore a bandaid over it because I was emabarrased. Good luck.
if you are really intent on doing the home remedy route I have no suggestions. I do suggest for a really deep planter's wart to seek medical help because if you do not the root or seed of the wart it wil continue to grow back. I had a planter's wart many years ago to the point I could not walk anymore. granted it hurts like heck but like a toothache it will feel better much quicker seeking medical help.
good luck