I agree that the same rules should apply, but she clearly showed you that will NOT be the case, unfortunately.
I have done home childcare for over 14 years, and started when my daughter was 3. If she was sick, she got seperated ALL day, but she was old enough to do that. She could sleep in my room, watch TV in there all day, eat off a tray in there, with me checking on her at regular intervals with a baby monitor in there for in between stuff. If she was too sick (like constant puking, high fever and needing Momma's constant care), then I closed. Parents just needed to understand that, in the same way that I would send their child home so they could care for them, my own child deserved that same one on one if she was that ill, or needed to go to the Dr (and hubby could not always take her due to his job).
This is why its difficult to do daycare for family or friends/neighbors.
The ball is always in your court to go to another childcare and ask this important question at an interview...do you care for any family members children? I have been asked this in addition to the question about my own child and her age. As she got older, it seemed that was a positive checked box for many parents who bothered to ask??
Good luck with your situation.
EDIT~ to Michelle, as she is the one who stated NO sick kids should be sent home. Do YOU like taking care of your child when they are puking left and right all over your furniture and carpet? Wiping the grossest of snot all over your home? Well, we do not either, and there really IS a difference between your own childs bodily fluids and someone elses. Yes, this is my business so runny noses and occasional puke and such will happen, but that also means I get to decide these rules.
I absolutely draw the line at runny diarhea and puke. HOME they go. It is impossible to care for so many other kids while trying to clean puke off of your carpet to save that. People need to have back up plans if they can not take the time off work. Create a network with relatives, neighbors, etc, or find a local "sick child care" in your area who are trained and have the actual facilities to care for sick kids. JMO~