So the teachers do not see her hitting the kids?? Are they filling out incident reports on this? If they are not seeing or hearing about this directly from the kids while she is in daycare, I don't understand why they would even discuss it with you. You could ask your daughter very nicely about this, but I would be cautious with discussing anything with her unless you are sure it is actually happening. My kids (4 year old boy and 19 month old girl) have been in daycare since 8 weeks and any type of behavior like this should be very well documented when discussed with a parent. I would actually go to the head of the daycare to discuss this and get his or her opinion of what is happening and their recommendation about how you and the teachers should handle this. It is very important to make sure you and the teachers are on the same page with how this type of behavior is addressed. Hitting is not that big of a deal at 4, but the way they are communicating this to you is too ambiguous for you to do anything about. I know they cannot tell you what parents are discussing it with them, but they can at least tell the parents that there is nothing that they can do about it either unless they see it themselves.