My son is 10 months now, but when he was 6-7 months old he was drinking three 5 Oz. bottles a day, one 7 Oz. bottle (22 Oz. formula in one day), and then 3 solid meals. He would get an extra little bit of formula mixed in to his cereal making him a daily amount of formula of 23-24 Oz. tops. I asked my doctor if I should be concerned about him reaching a certain amount of formula in a day and she said not to be concerned about meeting a daily quota but to concern myself more with is he growing, healthy & happy. My son has always been a chunk and in the 75th percentile for height and weight. I wouldn't worry about it. I know there are some out there who think that babies need to have so much more formula but I disagree. Yes, formula is important, but babies are really good about regulating their own diet and eating and drinking what they need. If she is growing, healthy & happy I say you are doing a fine job and shouldn't worry!!