Hi A.,
When we weaned our daughter off of formula we mixed it in with her formula. We started with giving her 6 oz bottles (4 oz formula, 2 oz milk). And every week I would decrease the amount of formula and increase the amount of milk. I would also heat the milk/formula mix to the same temperature she was used to drinking. When she turned one we just packed the bottles away and did the sippy cup thing. We continued to heat the milk and then once she was drinking it without any formula added, we started decreasing the temperature of the milk until she would just drinking it cold. Now she loves it! (she really didn't care for it in the beginning)
Just remember, there is plenty of time and you don't have to rush her. Just take it slow and do things gradually, and she will get the hang of it.
Oh, and foods that my daughter loved at that age (and still) are toast, pasta, steamed carrots, corn, peas, bananas, peaches, pears, applesauce, grilled cheese sandwiches, pizza, cheese... I would give her pieces of chicken or whatever kind of meat we were eating, she still doesn't really eat it, but I figure one of these days she might try it and like it. LOL Basically, at meal times, whatever we are eating is the same thing she is eating.
Good Luck!