Hi J..
This is a link to the CDC's recommended vaccination schedule, updated for 2009 http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/recs/schedules/downloads/chil...
My son just had his 2 year wellness visit - my husband took him - he said he was due for a Heptatis A Vaccine. ??? He didn't get it b/c he is recovering from a cold and we weren't expecting a vaccine, so none of us were prepared for it. We'll have to reschedule it but I am trying to determine if this is common. Has anyone elses child gotten this vaccine at the 2 year visit? I thought there were no vaccines this time around! We never missed a vaccine, so it's not a make up as far as I know. I want to be be sure its necessary. With all due respect, we vaccinate, so please do not respond to me with any anti-vaccination information or opinions if you don't mind. That is not what this is about, I am just looking for information on whether or not this vaccination is a normal requirement at this time. I will be asking about it when I call to reschedule but I wanted to hear what everyones experiences are too. Thank you!
Thanks everyone. I'm just going to call and speak to our pediatrician about it. If we have to get it, we will. I don't want to mess around with any Hepatis virus' so I'll just call and ask them about it. Thanks!
Hi J..
This is a link to the CDC's recommended vaccination schedule, updated for 2009 http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/recs/schedules/downloads/chil...
My 20 month old had it a few weeks ago but I know they reccommended it for my 4 year old, so he probably didnt have it before. Probably a new set of reccomendations.
Yes it is required. My 18 month old son was in for his check up and the dr said that the next time he was in that he would be due for the Hep A shot.
Some school systems are now requiring it, along with the HEP B shots. I agree with the poster about the health care issue, if you are around anyone in health care, get your kids vaccinated! Being a paramedic and in Military health care, I wouldn't have it any other way! Both my kids have had theirs.
I just went to the doctors with our 18 month old, and she just told me about it. She said it is not required, but a good idea. She recommends it at 18 months and two years. Not at one year, with all the other shots. It is really up to you and what you think. The schools don't require it, but you may want to think about it. I am thinking about it. I may do it later on, with out any other shots. So its no to overwhelming. There is no set schedule for it so take you time, but once you do it, then you need the next one. Hope this helps.
Hi! The Hep A is not required at this time. Strictly optional. Being that the food we eat is much cleanier than a third world countries, I would not worry about getting it. I skipped it for my son, he will be 2 on Tuesday.
Hi J.
I can fully understand your concern.
Why not check out the CDC site (Centers for Disease)....I have gotten a lot of information on vaccines from there.
And it will tell you which vaccines are mandatory and which ones are recommended. My daughter's Pediatrician only gives vaccines that are mandatory. My daughter is not your daughter's age yet, so I cannot give personal experiences here, but I would definitely check out the CDC's Web site.
Good Luck
I am not into giving all vaccines to my children. However, I did do this one because of how they can contract. If you go out to eat a lot you are at risk. If the person making your food has Hep A and goes to the bathroom and doesn't wash their hands, you are at risk of getting it. We were living in California at the time of the shots for my children and there are a lot of immigrants there that work in the restaurant business. Hope this helps.
It's a new requirement; we got the vaccine with no adverse reactions just at the end of last year, I think October. That's when our ped told us it was newly required. It's fairly easy to acquire hep A and it is a nasty virus so if it's preventable, we decided it was good to get.
Hi, I would suggest getting this vaccine if you or anyone close to your son works in health care. My husband is a paramedic and would hit the roof if I didn't make sure both girls got all their hep. shots. I don't know about type "A" but some of them are not curable. Hubby can be a little over the top about some stuff but we have talked about this type of vaccine actually and he said its one to fool around with.
Hepatitis A is not a mandatory vaccine. It is to help prevent food poisoning. I chose to not vaccinate mykids against it at this time (they are older than yours, but I have been offered it several times and was told by my pediatrician that it is not mandatory). So it is up to you if you want him to get it or not. If you eat out alot, I'd say it's probably a good idea, but if you don't you can wait or not get it at all.. hope that helps!
My son got Hep A at his 1 year checkup.
Hi J.,
I have a 9 week old boy, who just had his first round of vaccinations. We will do them all, but slowly. I am following Dr. Bob Spears Alternative Vaccine Schedule. He recommends the first Hep A vaccine at 2 years, 6 months. He recommends doing all of the vaccines recommended by your pediatrician, but he offers an alternative schedule, for paranoid parents. (like me) I would say that if he recommends Hep A then it must be necessary. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics , they recommend the first Hep A shot at age 1! The second one at 18 months. They also talk about how ten or so states have much higher rates of the disease. NJ is not on the list, where do you live? Either way, it seems essential. Good Luck :)
Hi J.,
My sister is a pediatric nurse and she was just telling me how shot schedules for children have been changing. Apparently, because of more immigration from Africa and Mexico, the medical field has added hepatitis vaccines to the shot schedule and meningitis has been moved up to when children are at the age of attending summer camps instead of waiting until they are ready to go to college and may be at college dorms.
My daughter is 4 and was feeling under the weather for her 2 year well visit. When i finally had gotten and appointment at her pediatrician another doctor int he pratice had been scheduled to do her exam as opposed to her normal Dr. so i was a little hesitant when the dr told me she was due for this Vacination. I then questioned the dr. about why this vacine is administered to young children and then called my mother and figured that the Dr. whom had said she had gotten it for her own children knew her "stuff" i was pretty confidant that i was makin the right choice b/c i wasnt prepared for my daughter to get this shot when i scheduled the visit. So all in all If you are not comfortable research exactly why the shot is given at least you have a while and u now know that your child will be getting this vacine. I would also suggest that you talk to a nurse or Dr in the practice even your own GP and ask their opinions as well. Good luck and God bless
Yes, this is normal. My 2 yr old just went for his checkup and had it done as well. So don't worry because its normal.
My daughter is 2.5. I am looking at her vaccine records. She did not get a Hep A vaccine.
My son will be 2 in may but received the hep A in the nursery when he was newborn. Hep A is contracted through the the oral-fecal route meaning that you are exposed if the germ enters your mouth for the most part and we all know how much our little guys put anything and everything in their mouths. It causes severe diarrhea and vomitting but like other viruses does run its course and it is over. I am all for taking precautions to prevent contracting this.
I also vaccinate, but I'm of the school that less is more. Honestly, if this vaccine isn't required by law, I'd skip it. It is a relatively new vaccine and I don't know if your state requires it or not for school entry. If not I wouldn't bother to get it. You don't know how effective it is anyway. If he does need it or you change your mind he can always get it later.
Hi J.,
My daughter didnt get any vaccines at her 2 year visit...we actually just took her on Monday for her 3 year and there were no vaccines given either...when I look in my little book that they keep track of all her vaccines in, it only shows that "catch up vaccines" are given at 24 months...I would definitely ask them when you call!! Im sure you can probably search the web for vaccines given at 2 years and see what you come up with!! Let us know how you make out!!
Hi J.,
I found this at the CDC website. Perhaps it will help. I think it is exactly the schedule we went by.
Hepatitis A vaccine (HepA). (Minimum age: 12 months)
Administer to all children aged 1 year (i.e., aged 12 through 23 months). Administer 2 doses at least 6 months apart.
Children not fully vaccinated by age 2 years can be vaccinated at subsequent visits.
HepA also is recommended for children older than 1 year who live in areas where vaccination programs target older children or who are at increased risk of infection. See MMWR 2006;55(No. RR-7).