you can get amber teething necklaces at online boutiques. I have several friends who have recently used them and they find them wonderful.
Hope this helps!
My 9 month old is starting to teeth & not taking it too well. 1 has come though & now it looks like 2-3 more are coming in at the same time. I have been trying everything, but nothing seems to sooth him for very long. I haven't gotten much sleep in the last 2 days. My 1st one took to it well, but he only had one come in at a time. Any suggestions?
Thank to everyone for their advice. I did go & get the teething tablets which do seem to take off the edge, but not for a long time. And then I did use tylenol/ibuprofin at night. He is better, but still a little fussy, nothing compared to the 1st 2 night though! Regarding anything cold, washcloth, teehing ring, etc.. he would grab it, look at it & then throw it-lol
you can get amber teething necklaces at online boutiques. I have several friends who have recently used them and they find them wonderful.
Hope this helps!
I had friends who would rub Tylenol directly on the gums. They swore it helped. Never tried it myself.
Good luck!
My 11 month old is teething right now :( I have been using Hyland's teething tablets, some tylenol, and those teething rings that you can freeze, oh and of course nursing, nursing, nursing!!
Frozen chunks of watermelon are best, but frozen mango, strawberries, and other frozen fruits also work. The watermelon is the best thing on earth, AND you can use it to administer tylenol and anbesol type stuff. Cut it up small, then freeze it, and sit them in their high chair-- they'll love it.
Something less nutritious is always ice cream...
but it sounds like they will all be in soon, so you may be sleeping sooner than you think. ;)
Tylenol! Orajel, works sometimes for my daughter, never worked with my son though. They also make Highland's Teething Tablets, never tried them, but i have friends who swear by them.
I agree with the teething tablets, and in combo with Motrin for nighttime. It helped my kids sleep longer when they were teething, although we still had middle of the night wake ups. The molars were by far the worst - I swear I was up for a month straight with my daughter, regardless of what I gave her. Good luck!
I am going to "2nd" Hylands Teething Tablets!
They are a lifesaver.
Teething is no fun (just wait for those molars), but they really do help!
Try a plain white diaper. Tie it in a knot and wet the knot slightly. Stick it in the freezer. Let the cloth get good and cold and let the baby chew on it for a little bit - be sure to rinse it a little to it doesn't stick to the skin. they'll go crazy chewing at it and it helps to numb the pain a bit. Good luck...this too shall pass
The highlands teething tablets, they are homeopathic.They work GREAT. And there is no med's in them so you can still give the tylenol, or advil, etc...My daughter would chew on those big frozen pretzels or a cold wash cloth. Even frozen bagles. Just have to watch them when they start to get mushy. Try the teething tablets you can get them at walgreens.Good Luck!
I don't know what doctors are saying these days but I'm sure whatever it is it is based on the lab and not real world experience with a little one that keeps them up all night....so I would say Tylenol is a mom's best friend at this time....maybe not all the time, but at least during the night when you and the baby need some sleep. Make sure dosage is correct and try alternating with Ibuprofen so you don't get a rebound effect from the Tylenol nor do you risk organ damage by extended periods of use.