I am dealing with the exact same thing with my 2 and 1/2 year old son. His problem is that he is just "too busy" having fun to stop and use the potty. We tried potty training a few times before but now I realize it was just way to early. The cues for me this time was that he started playing the independence card big time. He kept telling me "no, mommy I do it" for EVERYTHING. In a matter of 5 days he learned to dress himself and put his own socks and shoes on, both things that I tried to "teach" him before and he he just got way to frustrated. Also, he began throwing a fit everytime I changed his diaper, and so I finally decided if I have to fight him to change him I may as well fight him to get him on the potty.
Everyone told me that we needed to go naked or straigt to underpants, no pullups. This didn't work for us AT ALL!! My son freaked out when he had accidents when he was naked, he wasn't even aware he was going to pee until it was too late and all over the floor. And when he was in underpants I would check his pants and he would be wet and it made NO difference to him what so ever. It was too much for both of us to deal with. So I bought 1 package of COOL SENSATION PULL UPS. The cool alert was what he needed to alert him he was going potty. He was so used to just peeing he never realized he had gone before when he was in underwear.
So the first day in Cool Sensation Pull Ups (CSPU) he had a full day of wettings. We went to the toilet every 2 hours but always missed the mark. By day 2 he was at the point he went to the potty a few times but still had accidents. Day three was less accidents and day 4 he wet himself all day. That's when we changed from 2 hours between potty times to an hour and a half. Day 5 he only had one accident and that was the last day of CSWP. I must say too that he got to the point that if he had accidents in his CSPU he would tell me and then I made him go the bathroom and change himself into a clean Pull Up and put his wet one in the trash. He soon changed himself all by himself when he had accidents.
So halfway through day 5 we switched to underpants with plastic pants over them and so far so good, we haven't had any accidents and he has even moved to telling me he has to potty and then going in to go.
It is definately a process so be patient and keep at it. It is a chore but so is changing the soiled diaper of a 3 year old!
Keep her in diapers only for sleeping (I've read it can take a full year before they can stay dry at night and you will know they are ready for night time underwear when they wake up dry repeatedly). You can use PULL UPS it may take a little longer but it's a whole lot cleaner! Also, try to stay home during training so that you don't have to worry about finding bathrooms for the first week or two. And get her a potty seat she is comfortable with. My son only used a potty chair at first and it took a while for him to get comfortable with a toilet seat insert.
SOME TIMES I STILL HAVE TO FIGHT HIM TO GO. When he is busy playing and the hour and a half time limit is up I take him fussing and screaming to the potty. After I get him to sit down with a book he goes. It's just challenging to get him on the toilet.
Sorry for the novel but HTH!!