Co-sleeping is great if it works for everyone, but if it doesn't, then you have to transition him to his own crib. I know you say it is the only way that you get any sleep, and that in his crib he wakes up more, but it is a matter of training, so expect a few more sleepless nights. Are you sure he is nursing because he is hungry, or does he just want comfort? Find antoher way to comfort him, gently rubbing his back, tummy, soft sounds. Use the lowest light possible, take him out only to change him, then put him right back. Yes, he will fuss, but then he will find his own way to comfort himself back to sleep. I wonder if he is now teething, that keeps them up more than anything else. You could try some tylenol to see if that helps. Please put your health first, because you are the center of your family, and can only sacrifice so much before the whole family suffers. Hang in there.