Hi K.:
I found instead of punishing my son for a bad behavior I turned it around and rewarded him for good behavior. Make a chart or use a calendar and tell him each time you find the light off or the toilet flushed, he will get a sticker or check mark. When he collects a certain amount of stickers he will be rewarded with either something he has been wanting or taking him someplace he wants to go. Before you tell him about it, you might want to decide how many good behaviors it will take to earn the prize. Or decide together! You can get real creative with this and maybe give him little prizes each week with a big prize after a few weeks. My son loved money so each time he did what I asked, I put money in a jar and then when he collected a few weeks worth we went to the toy store and he got to pick something out. I think this gives them a positive feeling instead of a negative one! Best of luck. M.