Hi K.,
What a good friend...because of a family history of breast cancer I have chosen not to do hormone therapy and instead I went the holistic route...I have been seeing a lady in for several years for various things and when the hot flashes, night sweats, followed by insomnia and then anxiety, I went in search of answers...This lady uses muscle testing for dosing and has been a miricle worker for me...Every Body is different...if she is not into alternative medicine...I worked for an MD who does the hormone saliva testing and then has a compounding pharmacy create bio-identical hormones to use...Your friend does not need to suffer...Both eastern and western medicine has answers...I would suggest she see some sort of adviser and not just buy something and hope it works...if she takes to much stuff that is metabolized through one organ or another it can cause toxic damage...I work hand in hand with my regular MD...I do regular blood screenings to make sure I am not actually causing damage...
Best of luck...